International Union of Marine Insurance Issues New Piracy Warning

December 11, 2008

  • January 27, 2009 at 7:29 am
    John Schwartz says:
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    While operating on the high seas, many merchant vessels travel completely unprotected, relying on evasive measures, like increasing the distance off the coast of countries like Somalia, hi-pressure water hoses in some instance, increasing speed in attempt to outrun the pirates speedboats and similar defensive measures. These are merely stop-gap measures and do not deter these attacks. In addition, having on-board unarmed security teams has recently proven ineffective and possibly increases the danger. To protect shipping interests and vessels security escort vessels ( private ) have to be used. Close support escort vessels ( armed crew ) is the only realistic solution to the piracy problem. One the US company provides this services, the only one in the world is: I believe they are located in New York.

    John Schwartz
    former merchant Marine Deck officer

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