Australia Bushfies ‘a Climate Change Wake-up Call’ Say Experts

By | February 10, 2009

  • February 10, 2009 at 7:12 am
    JP says:
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    instead of saying how this is a wake-up call about “climate change,” (doesn’t the climate always change?)why don’t these people LISTEN to how terrorist groups say that this can be/will be a new strategery that they’ll employ?

  • February 10, 2009 at 8:35 am
    Wild Bill says:
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    LOL! Good one!

  • February 10, 2009 at 1:39 am
    Smitty says:
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    Two articles above this one is a headline which reads “Australia Police Declare Bushfire Disaster a ‘Crime Scene'”.

    Now this article wants to blame global warming for the fire.

    The article states “Australian police treated the country’s entire bushfire disaster zone as a crime scene on Tuesday as investigators combed through a blackened wasteland to find clues to the culprits behind the country’s deadliest fires.

    Arson investigators began their work even as about 25 fires still raged across southern Victoria, including some of the hardest-hit areas north of Melbourne where so far 173 people have been confirmed dead, many burnt in cars and their own homes.

    “All of the fires have been treated as a crime scene,” a police spokesman said, adding that arson investigators from up and down the country were descending on the disaster zone. “We do believe they may have been lit deliberately, but we can’t confirm it,” the spokeswoman said.

    Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has already branded the unknown culprits as “mass murderers” and Victoria State has ordered an official inquiry into the causes of the wild fires, which sent four-stories-high sheets of flame racing through towns and farms.

    Arson is often involved in Australian bushfires which break out every summer but rarely kill anywhere near half as many as the number of people killed in Victoria State’s weekend infernos.”

    There is no end to the scare tactics that the Global Warming ALARMISTS will use.

  • February 10, 2009 at 1:50 am
    Wild Bill says:
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    It’s vulgar how environmental extremists use a tragedy to advance an agenda. Do they expect us to believe that there wasn’t any forest fires, drought, etc… before humans were around?

    Global warming is the biggest hoax ever. More and more people realize this, and as the data shows more and more the planet is cooling, they are becoming more desperate. That’s why they are now calling it “climate change” instead of “global warming”.

    It’s all to advance an agenda to tell us what car to drive, what food to eat, what kind of house to live in, how many children to have, how much toilet paper to use, etc…

    I will not submit. I’ll drive my SUV, barbeque my steak and eat it in my spacious home, have as many children as my wife allows, and crap as much as I can.

  • February 10, 2009 at 3:37 am
    Rose Tedd says:
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    So you must be anti-climatic

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