Chubb Finds Disputes over Who Pays Ransoms Put Crew Members at Risk

March 11, 2009

  • March 11, 2009 at 1:45 am
    Dread says:
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    The only reason kidnap, ransom, and extortion are increasing is because some idiot made it profitable by offering insurance products to cover it. Take away the profit motive and the problem subsides. It’s hard to believe that society is now in 2009 and people are still catering and bowing to a bunch of un-sophisticated rag-tag “pirates”. That crap went out with Black Beard. Why does society tolerat that? Ships should travel in convoys with mercenaries riding shotgun. Start killing off the “pirates” and solve the problem. Most of these clowns use small arms and hand grenades to force the ship to allow them onboard. How does that happen? The captain should go full speed ahead while the crew tosses its own grenades down onto the “pirates” and sprays them with automatic weapon fire. How are they going to climb onboard? Mount a .50 calibre maching gun on each side of a ship and see how many pirates screw with it.

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