U.S. Action Against Somali Pirates May Raise Marine Insurance Demand and Rates

By | April 14, 2009

  • April 14, 2009 at 1:21 am
    Good for the Seals says:
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    Well it was “just business” for the Seals also. Kudo’s for them!!!

  • April 14, 2009 at 1:37 am
    Sea Dog says:
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    A true example of gun control. One shot one kill.
    I’m glad someone had the guts.

  • April 14, 2009 at 2:09 am
    True American says:
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    Doesn’t it get old as Americans to always worry about our actions? “Since we did this, now we have to be worried about the Pirates killing people.” What about saying “Since we did this, the Pirates might be more quick in their dealings and move on before more attacks come.” And if the other does occur, then we wipe out their whole million dollar beach, homes, cars and families. Sorry but that is the cost of doing business and if they don’t like it, then don’t do business with our ships (if that’s what they call it…business…). Here in the States we call it stealing… And when were done, they won’t have any ships to take out and go after our ships or anyone elses. Works for me. And if you think it’s harsh, the killing of women and children, the women flock to these men and the children will be raised to steal just like them. WE didn’t start this, THEY did. Plain and simple.

  • April 14, 2009 at 2:25 am
    Mike Tyson says:
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    Paying tens of millions of dollars in ransom guarantees one thing: More violence and piracy on the high seas.

    If more countries took these guys out this would end very quickly…and the world would be a better place.

  • April 14, 2009 at 4:35 am
    Pirate Watcher says:
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    I’ll make recommendations for the U.S. Merchant Marine. Since the area to be patrolled is so vast the real answer is for the ships to be able to defend themselves. Three things are needed. 1. The crews need to be armed and trained to use the weapons. 2. Preventive boarding measures such as barbed wire need to be used. 3. A safe perimeter needs to be set such as 300 yards and then publicize that unauthorized vessels that violate that space will be blown out of the water without further discussion. That should cut dow on the piracy.

  • April 14, 2009 at 5:05 am
    Ha! says:
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    no mention of the French rescue that killed three pirates AND a hostage. Basically it is all our fault.

  • April 15, 2009 at 1:22 am
    Yarrrr! says:
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    Lets take a page out of history and hunt down the pirates, cut off one of their heads and hang it from the side of a navy vessel..a la Blackbeard. That will teach them a lesson.

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