Greenland Ice Melting at Faster Rate, Increasing Sea Level Rise

November 13, 2009

  • November 13, 2009 at 12:31 pm
    wudchuck says:
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    question is when did they measure? afterall, if they did this over the spring to fall, yes it would melt because of the tilt toward the sun. but when winter comes, how much of it will refreeze? i bet they did not do a proper study from year to year. just only couple of months in the curr year, and that probably did not include the wintery months on both continents. next thing you know, they are going to try and build a massive ice box to keep the poles cold! (LOL!)

  • November 13, 2009 at 1:09 am
    Jim D. says:
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    Has anyone mentioned that with all the beach development that tidal basins and barrier islands are being washed away? Sand dredged to replace the tourist beaches creates trenches which naturally refill with sand and sediment that “slides” down from the beach. Natural coastal environments have plants that anchor beaches and create natural dunes which seem to stay put. This may not be a case of rising oceans as much as a case of falling shorelines.

  • November 13, 2009 at 1:27 am
    TT says:
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    And, the ice melting is a bad thing? We could use some extra water around the arid parts of the planet. I know we are all suppose to feel bad becasue it MUST be man made and only MAN can control nature. You can call me a “doubter” or just a plain skeptic but I don’t see any reason to even begin to panic; nor do I see any reason to sign a global treaty to make us all feel we can do something about it.

  • November 13, 2009 at 2:34 am
    Gretchen says:
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    And exactly who did this study? Al Gore’s company? Have the results been independently verified or is this just another THEORY the people who worship at the Environmental church are spewing as fact?

  • November 13, 2009 at 3:22 am
    Gill Fin says:
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    Next subject please.

  • November 13, 2009 at 4:02 am
    Mark says:
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  • November 14, 2009 at 7:32 am
    Cynic says:
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    I don’t really see what this article has to do with insurance, unless Al Gore is an agent. I think Gretchen is right on. I have seen no fair discussion of the “problem” and nothing that has been discussed seems to indicate that man has caused the problem or can cure it. In any case, the topic doesn’t belong in IJ and I think someone at IJ is feeding this lefty stuff to brainwash the succeptible as others have done to the school kids. IJ, this stuff needs to stop. I see a pattern of this junk being printed. Cease and desist, please.

  • November 16, 2009 at 12:03 pm
    concerned says:
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    When did science become leftist? Are you all so narrow -minded to think that trying to save the planet for our descendents is bad, just because you don’t like Al Gore, or democrats in general?

    There are reports coming from all over, showing polar ice melting. Why should this be conspiracy?

  • November 16, 2009 at 1:04 am
    Gretchen says:
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    Concerned – this is the entire point! The fact of the matter is that science and academia and heck, even The Weather Channel, have been overtaken by idealogues that are trying to push thier agenda by presenting this as fact. The only fact is that their data are only theories. Only theories and not fact. For everyone who says global warming is true, there are an equal number of people who say it is not. I don’t advocate not being a responsible citizen, but they take it so far it is a religion and they are killing businesses and jobs with their bias. If you don’t believe me, take an hour and 1/2 and rent the movie “Expelled” by Ben Stein. That will open your eyes to exactly what is happening.

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