S&P Puts Allianz, Aviva, AXA, Generali, Mapfre Units, 10 Other EU Insurers on CreditWatch/Negative

December 12, 2011

  • December 13, 2011 at 6:24 am
    Systemic risk says:
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    Expect these downgrades to come to the US companies very shortly!
    They will not be immune. Many of the big names have seen their stocks decline between 50% to 30%, this year alone. Our industry remains silent & is waiting to be bailed out again, while the executives collect unearned salaries & bonuses. The prudent carriers
    that were not bailed out cannot compete with the zombies who were,
    & have zero pricing power. That coupled with the Fed’s zero interest rate policy, will cripple the prudent carriers over the long term.

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