UBS Admits Fraud in Libor Rigging Scheme; To Pay $1.5 Billion Fine

By and | December 19, 2012

  • December 19, 2012 at 10:29 am
    ExciteBiker says:
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    The drug cartels were depositing millions in cash at a time into HSBC banks using boxes they had specially made to the dimensions of the HSBC window (efficiency, anyone?). They laundered blood soaked cartel money, money for Iran, and money for terrorist organizations. And US Justice actually came right out and said they are just too important to prosecute. These are crimes which we routinely pursue with the highest level of intensity and vigor. We jail people for life without parole at extreme cost to the taxpayer for simple possession. But the bank washing billions for the ultra violent drug cartel? Imagine if we caught a guy materially aiding Bin Laden and just said we were going to fine him four days’ pay as punishment.

    We might as well change the American flag to a white background and big block lettering reading “For Sale”

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