Winter Storm ‘Bomb’ Watch Begins From New York to Europe

By | December 5, 2014

  • December 5, 2014 at 1:01 pm
    bob says:
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    “As December turns into January, it’s just a matter of time before another one comes along.”
    and it will non stop news coverage stating it is “historic” and of “record” proportions, and people will be unprepared, and do stupid things, and fail to do intelligent things based on the history of previous similar storms.
    how can we be so developed and civilized and evolved and yet be unable to handle the normal weather events we have all the time?????

    • December 8, 2014 at 10:55 am
      martin says:
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      We can handle them if we wanted to. The problem is that would be too boring. We need some excitement now and again.

    • December 8, 2014 at 5:18 pm
      Stan says:
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      Bob, I dont see any links in your comment. Don’t be lazy. You have a methodology. Use it.

    • December 9, 2014 at 2:55 pm
      Rosenblatt says:
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      “how can we be so developed and civilized and evolved and yet be unable to handle the normal weather events we have all the time?????”

      Think about how stupid the average American actually is. Okay. Got it? Now realize that half of Americans are even more stupid than that person of whom you just thought! That’s how :D

  • December 8, 2014 at 11:05 am
    Sherinae says:
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    They forgot to use the terms “epic proportions” and “effecting millions”. That is what they usually say. There has been at least 4 “Storms of the Century” in the past few years. And they have began making up terms like “Polar Vortex” to make things sound even more ominous.
    It’s just like the news…there is no such thing as just the facts anymore. Everyone wants to be a celebrity and so they have weather stories and news stories instead of reporting the weather and reporting the news. Hyperbole is overused in this brave new world.

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