India Uber Driver’s Rape Charge Raises Doubts About Oversight

By and Malini Menon | December 10, 2014

  • December 10, 2014 at 1:40 pm
    jack says:
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    He said his name was Bob when he picked her up.

  • December 10, 2014 at 1:56 pm
    blu lightning says:
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    the article got me thinking
    They-like the other ridesharing firms are kind of virtual without a lot of brick and mortar overhead. Its not like they have a dispatch garage or fleet of hacks right to confiscate, right? So if Uber, Lyft or anyone else didn’t like the regulations or prohibitions against their business in a given area, what exactly stops them? Ban their app and they could just start anpother one.
    How they go into an area guerilla style would seem to imply that they haven’t seen a rule, regulation or law they couldn’t get around if they wanted.

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