Global Temperatures in 2017 Slightly Below Record-Breaking 2016: UN

By | November 9, 2017

  • November 9, 2017 at 3:52 pm
    Craig Cornell says:
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    Article Summary:

    1. Warming not as bad as 2016. (but 2016 had extra heat from natural El Nino event.)
    2. We are out of time (Al Gore, 2007. UN Climate Chief, 2017. ? , 2027)
    3. Hurricanes bad (after a 10 year period when they were not bad at all).
    4. Fuji would like more money from rich countries.
    5. We hate Donald Trump (who said science is not clear on what to do about Climate Change, exactly what Barack Obama said recently. But we love President Obama).

    Stupid Trump also pointed out that the Paris Climate Accord, if enacted by all countries, would only slow CO2 production by 10% over the next 30 years according to all Climate Scientists, and that if the US pulled out, by 8%. (And since there is no enforcement mechanism in the Paris Climate Accord, good luck anyway.)

    Wait, what? A “natural El Nino event that released extra heat . . .” Did you say NATURAL? Maybe this Climate Change thing isn’t so clear cut after all.

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