Climate Change Threatens One Million Species with Extinction: Scientists

By Gus Trompiz | May 6, 2019

  • May 6, 2019 at 2:07 pm
    craig cornell says:
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    OH MY GOD! What is the solution?
    Here is the truth:

    1. The richest, most economically-developed countries on Earth are also the most environmentally friendly. Any effort to stall growth for the poorest people on the planet will fail and will be counter-productive for environmental protection. China is NOT going to listen to virtue signaling while over half of their population is dirt poor. And morally, they shouldn’t listen either.

    2. Solving climate change – if in fact it is so urgent and the threat do dire – can be done with nuclear energy in 20 years time. That is the amount of time required for every country on Earth to become like France and Sweden: nearly wholly dependent on carbon-free nuclear power.

    And who is against both of these proposals? The Virtue Signaling Left.

    • May 6, 2019 at 3:10 pm
      Agent says:
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      To much truth for the hoaxers to stand craig.

      It is for stories like this every single week that I will soon be departing this forum.

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