Study Shows COVID-19 Patients at Greater Risk of Mental Health Problems

By | November 9, 2020

  • November 10, 2020 at 8:19 am
    FourSeasonsTotalLandscaping says:
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    primary source: Trump’s Twitter account.

    • November 10, 2020 at 9:30 am
      PolarBeaRepeal says:
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      Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.

      • November 10, 2020 at 10:54 am
        Jon says:
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        You’ve shown that you believe QAnon is fact, Polar. Not a single thing you say has any credibility when you say it while wearing a tin-foil hat.

        • November 10, 2020 at 11:47 am
          Rosenblatt says:
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          For those who don’t remember what Polar considers reliable sources….

          SEPTEMBER 21, 2020 AT 5:23 PM
          Howard Polar Bearle says:

          “His sources are Mark Levin, Breitbart, and Q-Anon.”

          How could three credible sources be illegitimate?

          • November 11, 2020 at 6:52 am
            PolarBeaRepeal says:
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            Note that I QUOTED that sentence from another poster. Those THREE sources are deemed to be not credible by liberals. So, you have no point, and are simply trolling, again.

            How would another poster know my specific sources, in part or wholly? To have posted such trash is a failed effort to discredit me rather than debate the topic, whatever it was, with facts.

          • November 11, 2020 at 8:19 am
            Captain Planet says:
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            The fact you try to imply “TDS” is suffering mental instability tells us all we need to know about your credibility. I can see how some may suffer due to having contracted the virus. When I relayed the results to 2 of my daughters of their positive tests, the first thing each did was cry. The middle daughter is already tired of being quarantined. I get my results back sometime this week, which I am pretty certain will just confirm the fact I am positive. Cases are on the rise and for the sake of my fellow American brothers and sisters, I cannot wait for the next administration to take over so we can finally address this pandemic like adults and defeat it. No more injecting bleach and hoping it miraculously goes away in the spring. As of now, my family is in lockdown until the end of the month. Thank goodness Costco and Hy-Vee deliver.

          • November 11, 2020 at 12:24 pm
            Rosenblatt says:
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            No amount of verbal jujitsu can walk you out of that comment, Polar.

            Some guy referenced three sources (one of which was Q-Anon) and your reply was to say they’re all credible.

  • November 10, 2020 at 8:34 pm
    AgentForce says:
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    “The study also found that people with a pre-existing mental illness were 65% more likely to be diagnosed with COVID-19 than those without.”

    Having anxiety or depression or bipolar disorder makes you more likely to contract the virus? Anybody else find that to be an odd proclamation?

    • November 11, 2020 at 2:52 pm
      Rosenblatt says:
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      I didn’t read too much into that. I’d bet 65% of the population has a mental illness to begin with and this study was focused on C-19’s long-term effects. Felt like a throw-a-way line to me.

      This study clearly proves we can’t focus JUST on the death rate. Herd immunity (if we can even get there since we don’t know how long C-19 immunity lasts) that results in ~1/2 the population getting long-term health issues is a horrible idea on how to deal with this pandemic.

    • November 11, 2020 at 3:57 pm
      cicero says:
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      maybe those with pre-existing mental illness were generally in poorer health (e.g. drug use, physical fitness, smoking, etc.) overall prior to being diagnosed with COVID-19? That’s what I thought, at least

      • November 11, 2020 at 4:14 pm
        Rosenblatt says:
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        good point

  • November 11, 2020 at 1:35 pm
    Interested says:
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    Captain Planet – there are about 150 viruses circulating the earth at any one time, and they have always followed the bell curve, Farr’s law: (he’s a scientist who was wrong about lot of things, but not this. this is the curve you see them messing with – slowing the curve – stretching this out) communicable diseases grab the low lying fruit and die. This is why we have flu season. The disease comes around, does its thing and goes away. We should not mess with mother nature.
    100 million people were put into poverty during this pandemic due to lockdowns. the elite got wealthier. We can’t allow more lockdowns. it was declared unconstitutional in PA and you should read the transcript. Not one expert scientist or epidemiologist was consulted.
    There’s nothing to fear but fear itself. Let the virus run its normal course and protect the vulnerable. We know so much more about the disease now than we did in March.

    • November 11, 2020 at 2:35 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      Yes, my family is “low-lying fruit” who has never had a health issue. My oldest is 12 and has suffered the most. SMH. This is stronger than the flu. We have flu shots. COVID-19 is more contagious and with much more severe ramifications but short and long term. No COVID shots as it currently stands. I hope you don’t have to deal with it. I agree, we do know more now, that’s the scientific process at work. The problem is, the Baskin Robbins and I Want a Haircut protesters who spit on health workers didn’t want to take this seriously. The anti-maskers and those who don’t want to socially distance are holding super-spreader events. And, because of this, in order to be socially responsible, we have to protect against Covidiots.

      • November 11, 2020 at 3:16 pm
        rob says:
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        We lost my dad’s lifelong best friend to Covid. He already had COPD so really didn’t have much of a chance once he got the virus. Luckily he went quickly, and one day we hope to have a memorial service for him. Guy was like an uncle to me.

        on the home front, my daughter has what we 99% believe is a cold, but still can’t send her back to school until we get the Covid tests results back, which could take 5-7 days or so. Because of the uncertainty, we’re also unable to send my oldest daughter to school right now, nor are we leaving the house in the event one of us may have it. I’m fairly certain none of us do, but it’s not worth risking anyone else’s health until we know for sure.

        All the best to you and your family, Cap…sincerely.

        • November 11, 2020 at 3:40 pm
          Captain Planet says:
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          I am so sorry about your dad’s friend. I know he didn’t have much of a chance but it’s tragic none the less. I hope your family is experiencing just a cold. Thank you for taking it upon yourselves to keep others out of any potential harm. I wish more of us would do that. No, it is not worth risking others’ health. I applaud your responsibility and foresight. I also appreciate your kind words. We are managing pretty well, all things considered.

        • November 11, 2020 at 4:54 pm
          Interested says:
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          I am so sorry about your dad’s friend -and the terrible disease. but we ALL can’t live in fear. May God Bless us all. Who knows what is right. Just keep being nice to eachother and try to learn.

          • November 12, 2020 at 8:31 am
            Rosenblatt says:
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            First you said “There’s nothing to fear but fear itself. Let the virus run its normal course and protect the vulnerable”

            and now you’re saying it’s a “terrible disease.”

            Which is it? Is this virus something we should let run its course and we should only protect the vulnerable, or is this a terrible disease we should fear since healthy people who don’t die will likely live with heart and brain issues for the rest of their lives?

  • November 12, 2020 at 11:17 am
    Interested says:
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    it is a terrible disease (for a very few) – but I cannot live in fear of it – nor any of the 150 viruses circulating the earth. The epidemic is heart disease and cancer – the leading causes of death – along with medical mistakes or doctor caused death. These three lead to 92% of all death. That means that all other causes, including war, mass shootings, drownings, flu, covid-19 are 8% of all other death. I do feel bad for those that have lost loved ones, but they also lost loved ones to other causes. I don’t know what is right. I do know that I must question everything.

    • November 12, 2020 at 12:27 pm
      Rosenblatt says:
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      Where are you getting your info? I found Death and Mortality rates for the USA for 2018, but nothing for 2020 exists yet (to my knowledge) which would include COVID-19 deaths. Can you share a link?

    • November 12, 2020 at 1:44 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      I don’t think you are trying to argue for arguments sake and I by no means have it in me to try and fight with you. I do want to simply point out heart disease, cancer, medical mistakes, war, mass shootings, and drownings are not contagious. I am not suggesting anyone lives in fear. I am just asking if we can all agree to do our part to follow the guidelines as directed by the experts so we can be socially responsible to all of our American brothers and sisters.

      • November 12, 2020 at 2:35 pm
        Rosenblatt says:
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        Well said, Cap. I took Interested’s first comment in a negative light (don’t worry everyone, just let the virus run its course even though we don’t know how long immunity may last), the second comment a little disingenuous (if he cared so much, he wouldn’t have compared it to the flu) then back to downplaying the virus in this latest comment by saying it’s not so bad because of the death rate.

        WE CAN’T JUST FOCUS ON DEATH RATES PEOPLE. Even if 99.9% don’t die, those folks will likely be dealing with long-term brain and heart issues for the rest of their lives. Not dying is great, I’ll give you that, but almost nobody has blood clotting issues or heart defects after recovering from the flu like we’re seeing with C-19.

        It seems like Interested is trying to argue both sides.

        Why (a) “let the virus run its course” spreading death and health issues for those who “aren’t vulnerable” and recover from it if (b) it’s such a terrible disease yet it (c) doesn’t account for a majority of the deaths (based on no source as 2020 Death and Mortality rates haven’t been released) while ignoring long-term brain and heart issues for people who don’t die?

        That logic doesn’t track.

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