Wisconsin’s Deputy Insurance Commissioner Wins National Outstanding Achievement Award

December 18, 2002

Randy Blumer, Wisconsin’s Deputy Comissioner of Insurance, recently received the highest individual honor given by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, the Robert Dineen Award, at its winter meeting in San Diego. Blumer was recognized for outstanding achievement as a career insurance regulator.

The award was established in 1989 and is named for a former Northwestern Mutual Life chief executive officer and New York Insurance Department superintendent.

“The development of the NAIC’s Financial Analysis Working Group and the financial analysis support resulting from this group are a direct result of Randy’s contribution to state insurance regulation,” stated Terry Vaughan, Iowa Insurance Commissioner and out-going NAIC president. “This has made it possible to identify nationally significant troubled companies as early as possible, minimizing the impact of these financially troubled companies on consumers and the marketplace.”

Blumer has worked as a Financial Examiner, Assistant Director of the Bureau of Financial Analysis & Examinations, Administrator of the Division of Regulation & Enforcement, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and Acting Commissioner at the OCI for more than 22 years. He is chairman of the state’s Patient’s Compensation Fund, vice chairman of the Group Insurance Board, and has served on numerous NAIC committees and task forces.

“His contributions to the state regulation of insurance in the area of solvency regulation have been nationally significant and significant to the business of insurance in Wisconsin,” commented Insurance Commissioner Connie L. O’Connell in her letter nominating Blumer. “Fewer insurance consumers will be harmed and the insurance marketplace will not be as disrupted as a result of insurance company insolvencies because of Randy’s contributions.”

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