Progressive Suit Alleges Fraud by Minn. Chiropractor, Seeks More Than $900,00 in Damages

June 9, 2005

  • June 13, 2005 at 10:41 am
    chris says:
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    I’m curious. Would this story be reprinted throughout insurance journals if the words “chiropractor”, “therapist” and “attorney” were replaced with “independent exam”, “medical/legal consultant” and “insurance company”? I can see the byline now: “State attorney general files million dollar suit against insurance company, alleging massive fraud and conspiracy network. Allegations include the fact that insurance adjusters and insurance companies repeatedly hire the same medical/legal consultants over and over for “independent” exams, knowing the reports will not be based on the injured parties’ needs, but rather are designed in ways to minimize the cost of claims.” I’ve read the article, and what bothers me the most (other than the incomplete statement of law in the original Star Tribune article) is the fact that people in the industry read it and assume it’s true, without consideration to the political spin and obvious pandering to misguided popular opinion.

  • June 14, 2005 at 5:21 am
    Arnold says:
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    The fact is that much of the fraud that insurance companies commit goes unreported by many healthcare practitioners for fear that they may be the next retaliatory target of the might of a billion dollar industry that influences much of today’s politics. Over zealous prosecutors are always ready and willing to return favors to the insurance industry for their electoral contributions. These contributions serve two (mafia-like) purposes: protection from any dangerous prosecution and an incentive to shake down any insurance industry foe.

  • May 17, 2006 at 7:39 am
    Judy Heitz says:
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    I see the comments made by Chris and Arnold are annonymous. Do these two not have last names or they feel they can provide misinformation without benefit of allowing anyone to know who they are?

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