Liability Issues Push Cheerleading Groups to Ban Stunts in Mo.

March 9, 2006

  • March 10, 2006 at 9:09 am
    James says:
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    Sure its a good idea that Nebraska banned the various cheerleading stunts, but would they have banned the option in football 10 years ago if the QB had been paralyzed?

  • March 10, 2006 at 12:58 pm
    TXGuru says:
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    They would have if they\’d been sued.

    Until the threat of lawsuits over every action is limited, we\’ll continue to see this curtailing of activities that have been around for generations.

    Sports is a great example. Everyone that participates should understand that there is some risk inherent in the activity. Before I started playing football, we were put through a long presentation on the subject and required to acknowledge that we were putting ourselves in harm\’s way.

    I feel bad for those that are injured, but assuming the school or sponsor is not negligent (for example, they don\’t provide necessary safety equipment like mats for the cheerleaders, or helmets for the players) why shouldn\’t the responsibility for the consequences of participation fall to the ones that choose to do so?

    Ah well…leave it to the utter lack of personal responsibility, and actions of a few, to ruin it for the majority.

  • March 10, 2006 at 1:50 am
    Diane says:
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    What Coach would move an injured persons legs after a significant fall. I sure hope that the coach was fired immediately and if the movement of her legs caused additional injury then she deserves to be sued. We parents trust these coach to know what they are doing!

  • March 10, 2006 at 2:20 am
    Pops says:
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    What coach would move an injured persons leg after a significant fall? A moronic one!

  • March 13, 2006 at 2:55 am
    Rob says:
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    Why weren\’t the cheerleaders wearing seat belts?

    Oops… Wrong thread.

  • March 18, 2006 at 3:39 am
    Ashley\'s Mom says:
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    How about not stunting at games? Aren\’t you there to see the game anyway? Why don\’t they just do the cheers they practice for the game? To me stunting is for practice and competitions, I think it is stupid to do stunts on hard surfaces since your just asking for an injury, common sense.No stunts should be banned but should be performed on a safe surface (spring Floor,Mat). Is it really that important to stunt at games where you run the risk of serious injury? I think it is also stupid to drag mats out onto the floor at a game and if you watch the professional cheerleaders such as the patriots they do not stunt at games, they have brains. This is coming from the woman who lost her daughter because of a cheering accident. I don\’t blame the stunt and Ashley wouldn\’t want anyone to take anything away from cheerleaders but to give them credit as a sport, it is long overdue, and to make it safer not take things away. Common sense tells you that it needs to be safer and I am not just saying this because of her death she wanted it to be safer as well. You probably don\’t believe that I am fighting for cheerleaders rights as athletes because my daughters wish from the time she started cheering to the day she dies was for it to be a sport and for it to be safer. God knows the rumors you have heard about me and if you didn\’t hear it from me it probably isn\’t true. I love Ashley and miss her dearly more and more each day. I take care of her grave on a daily basis as well as light candles everynight in her honor, candles are a sign of life from what a priest told me.Anyway I have babbled quite enough and am starting to cry so I will leave you with the point that nothing should be taken away just have it safer and use common sense such as don\’t stunt at games it isn\’t needed.
    Ashley\’s Mom Forever,
    Ruth Burns

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