Auditor Gets $555,000 for Company to Review Ohio Workers’ Comp

September 13, 2006

  • February 13, 2007 at 5:44 am
    Christina Foltz says:
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    \”Mabe said he intends to ask the contractors why costs have skyrocketed when claims are down, bureau spokeswoman Nancy Smeltzer said.\”

    I have been involved with OBWC for five years. FIVE YEARS. You want to know why costs \’have skyrocketed\’? Ask me. I have seen unbelievable incompetence at every level of this organization. They are dangerous and they have the ability to kill injured workers. I would take an oath on any stand in this country to that effect.They can\’t be sued, they have immunity, and they answer to no one. They take corruption to a new depth, and legislators such as Kevin Coughlin and John Widowfield conveniently look the other way even when advised of huge fraud with the ranks of this vile state run organization. That is correct, and feel free to quote me.

  • November 29, 2007 at 8:00 am
    deacon_one says:
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    Sadistic—–I think they get thier kicks topping one another with sadistic treament & gloat over this Prize—Respectfully Deacon–Neo-phyte

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