Circuit Court Ruling Strikes Down Illinois’ Medical Liability Reform Law

November 14, 2007

  • November 14, 2007 at 1:30 am
    Bill Reed says:
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    Nobody should be surprised about Cook County, IL. It ranks right up there with Fulton County, GA in terms of pro-plaintiff judges. I’m sure the IL judge’s cronies on the plaintiff bar squealed like stuck pigs about losing fees over such reform hence this ruling.

    It would serve people right to lose competent physicians over this. Why would anyone risk practicing in an area that is ready to pounce anytime they get an unsatisfactory medical outcome. Maybe it’s time the courts re-read the definition of medical malpractice:

    mal·prac·tice /mælˈpræktɪs/ Pronunciation Key – Show Spelled Pronunciation[mal-prak-tis] Pronunciation Key – Show IPA Pronunciation
    —noun 1. Law. failure of a professional person, as a physician or lawyer, to render proper services through reprehensible ignorance or negligence or through criminal intent, esp. when injury or loss follows.
    2. any improper, negligent practice; misconduct or misuse.

    These are very stringent liability standards that have to met. Based on numerous recent cases, it doesn’t appear courts or juries have any clue.

  • November 14, 2007 at 3:36 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    I was wondering how this was passed at all considering how Chicago liberalism dominates the entire state. I hope this is appealed.

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