Government Appeals $8.6 Million Judgment in Illinois Malpractice Case

December 15, 2008

  • December 15, 2008 at 3:26 am
    Opps says:
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    Hey, life is a beach, and then you die.

    The poor woman will now be a proponent for private health care. This is, unfortunately, a fairly good example of the quality of day-to-day care in a universal, government run health care system. We may be looking for a Few Good Men, but, evidentially that doesn’t include docs.

    As for the judge, if he doesn’t trim back the judgement…do I hear someone saying “Audit”?

  • December 15, 2008 at 3:47 am
    wudchuck says:
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    well, it would not happen if we start hiring and paying doctors decent pay in the military. most doctors that are good, head into the civilian world, where they can make good money. now, it looks like it’s going to hurt them. suprised we have not seen more of these against uncle sam’s military doctors.

  • December 15, 2008 at 4:05 am
    Baxtor says:
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    Suing the military I thought was very difficult. Especially having them win. I wonder what would happen if they decided to not pay. Who do you go after? And if they still don’t pay, who do you put in Jail? The President? He is actually the CEO, Commander in Chief, Top Dog, In charge of it all guy…. Makes you think….

  • December 16, 2008 at 8:53 am
    SERIOUSLY? says:
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    doesn’t work too well, does it, “doc?” How can you deduce a person is a drug addict based upon an office visit for a bad rash???
    What a buffoon and I am sorry that our service men and women have to have an incompetent fool taking care of their medical needs. It’s a total disgrace.

  • December 16, 2008 at 9:10 am
    wudchuck says:
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    funny you say that, because i was in the military for 13 yrs. i remember one time going to sick call and the corpman thought i had a boil above my eye. so they prescribed some medicine (looked like huge horse pill). now mind you that this was at 8 a.m. well, i had a second shift work. near the end of my shift, my eyelid was drooping and it eventually covered my eye. i was unable to lift it. i left work about 30 mins early to go back to the emergency room. the corpman looked at me and said, we misdiagnosed the problem. next thing you know, they called the doctor. i was sitting there scared a bit because i was totally confused. doc said it was a bad case of cellulitis and they could not operate due to the location of the infection (above the eye). next thing you, i was looking at the doc and he was placing an iv in my hand. bad thing, he had to do it twice because the first needle was not big enough. LOL! imagine, it had to be bigger to get into my vein. well, i was in the little hospital for 13 days. i almost bled myself the first day, never had an iv, and i almost had pulled it all the way out. lucky for me the corpman was making an unscheduled round. my commanding officer did come and visit me, but i never saw him because i was more out of it than in due to the medicines in the iv.

    i know there are some bad doctors and good ones. we would like to see great ones in the military because we sacrifice so much, including our families.

  • December 16, 2008 at 9:29 am
    Ray Margeson says:
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    After 23 years in the military (Navy, too, wudchuck) and I can say that thee are good and bad doctors in the military just like ikn civilian life. Military doctors have it a lot worse, in many ways, than civilian doctors. They are much more likely to see catastrophic injuries and in many cases (deployed or on ships at sea) are basically on call 24/7.

    Still, most are conscientious and highly skilled and do a great job.

  • December 16, 2008 at 9:31 am
    Ray says:
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    -and by the way – $8.6 million seems like a case of going for the really deep pockets and not a reasonable judgement!

  • March 27, 2009 at 3:17 am
    Dread says:
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    Just how many cases in the total universe of patients seen by military doctors are you using to base your ignorant opinions on besides this one. Talk about a herd mentality. If you haven’t been in the military and experienced the overall level of care firsthand you have no reason to comment.

    Military doctors attend the same medical schools and have to pass the same certification tests those in private practice do. And I don’t think too many doctors would have anticipated a flesh eating virus would develop from a skin rash. Military doctors prove themselves constantly, including wartime and the majority of their patients have no issues. Better THINK before speaking.

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