Wisconsin Court Sides with Insurer on Underinsured Motorist Coverage

January 28, 2009

  • January 28, 2009 at 1:04 am
    BHlben says:
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    “He bought insurance policies for the Lumina and the pickup from First Community Insurance Company but allowed the policies to lapse. He had purchased the Avenger for his son, Jonathan Lisowski, who bought insurance for the car from Northern Progressive Insurance Co. but bought no UIM coverage with that policy.”

    Need I say more-hope he had to pay the court costs and attorney fees for the insurance company

  • January 28, 2009 at 1:48 am
    caffiend says:
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    I don’t know what the cost of UM/UIM coverage is in Wisconsin, but here in North Carolina it’s about $9 per auto for UM at minimum limits and commonly around $24 for 100,000/300,000 UM/UIM BI

    Assuming it was written through an agency, why did this kid’s insurance agent let him leave the office without this coverage?

    If the kid or his father got a policy online directly, then they have only themselves to blame.

  • January 29, 2009 at 7:57 am
    Eli says:
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    Agree w/you. Plaintiff’s need to have some “skin in the game” like English law. If you lose, you pay the defense costs. That’s one of the big flaws in our system. Any scumbag attorney can take a free shot at anyone in hopes of making a few bucks.

  • January 29, 2009 at 12:10 pm
    Stat Guy says:
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    I hope that he signed a release or option selection form; otherwise his attorney will take another try at this by filing an E & O against the agent.

  • January 29, 2009 at 12:34 pm
    Jordan says:
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    wow what a colossal waste of time for the courts and insurance companies involved – I sincerely hope that this claimant is held responsible for all court costs on this one – I totally understand why some folks reject U/M – obviously this kid gad no health insurance either?

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