Ohio Revokes Agent’s License for Falsifying CE Hours for Other Agents

August 6, 2009

  • August 6, 2009 at 1:13 am
    Patriot says:
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    As they should for trying to circumvent procedures by cheating!
    Dont think I would want to deal with such an agent and expect him/her to take care of my insurance needs intelligently!

  • August 6, 2009 at 1:27 am
    Richard says:
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    Absolutely the producers involved should be fined at the very least and really should have to surrender their licenses. If states like Ohio can not get these things right perhaps it is time to nationalize insurance regulation. George would not have profited without dishonesty on the producers part.

  • August 6, 2009 at 3:27 am
    major says:
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    Take the license from anyone who “enrolled” in George’s class, make them retake the 40 hrs pre-license training, retest with the state and put them on admin probation.

    If I have to do the CE (and I don’t mind since I always learn a little)to keep my license, those agents should give it up for not doing theirs.

  • August 6, 2009 at 3:28 am
    CE is a Scam says:
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    While I don’t agree with the actions of these agents, it does point out what a waste of time and money most CE is. It is a money maker for 3rd party providers and agent associations, and not much else. I live in a state where CE is not required, and we have a very low number of agent complaints, or deciplinary actions against agents compared to many CE states.

    In most cases, it would be better for the State Insurance Departments to either send out bulletins of an educational nature to update agents on new legislative, regulatory and coverage items it considers of importance to agents, or post them on their website.

    I can read, and I’m sure such items would take a lot less time to read than 20 hours every two years.


  • August 6, 2009 at 5:12 am
    patriot says:
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    Totally agree…take it a step further and include CIC renewals and now CPCU renewals.

  • August 7, 2009 at 10:27 am
    pita says:
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    I disagree with Scam and Patriot. I believe that CE when properly used is a tremendous benefit to our industry.

    Yes it can be viewed as a drain on time…but the truth is that it is an investment in our industry.

    Some of the group discussions at CE are the most rewarding for me. I get to improve skills and trade ideas.

  • August 10, 2009 at 12:06 pm
    Anne Nonymous says:
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    PITA is correct about the value of properly run CE courses. Whether association-sponsored or done by educational providers or insurance companies, CE adds value to the professional agent’s business acumen, and allows for professional networking and discussion among agents. Although it is a shame that P.E.C. and “George” were able to exist for a time in Ohio, please note that the Ohio Dept. of Insurance was watching and reviewing — which is why they got “busted”. BTW, I also agree with those of you who said the participating agents should also be penalized. They knew or should have known that they were cheating/gaming the system. Ohio’s insurance agent licensing laws require applicants and agents to be suitable — honest, trustworthy, etc. [RC 3905.06] Any agent or applicant who intentionally participates in such schemes demonstrates their lack of suitability to conduct insurance business in Ohio (in my opinion) and should be penalized or required to take other corrective action.

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