Mental Injuries Could Lead to Work Comp for First Responders in Nebraska

April 8, 2010

  • April 8, 2010 at 1:20 am
    Regan Latta says:
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    What a bunch of sissies! Make the rest of us pay for this obvious fraud. Heck I have mental injuries dating back to my 5th grade English teacher Mrs. Tipsord. She yelled at me in front of the class for falling asleep. I am mortally wounded and I want my $8000 paid by the school’s Workers Comp insurance too! This crap sickens me to the core! Shame on our political leaders for feeding on this shameful nonsense. It is nothing more than wealth redistribution by false pretenses.

  • April 8, 2010 at 2:40 am
    Been there says:
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    I was a first responder years ago & some of the images and events still remain but the emotional content has faded fortunately.

    I think a better way to handle possible emotional distress or even PTSD would be to provide some sort of funding for counselors — say under a municipal health plan instead of the Pandora’s Box of work comp benefits. Every one (usually men) who volunteers or even gets paid to be a first responder or cop knows that they are going to see & experience grisly things. That right there causes self-selection. Making it cushy with work comp benefits will attract the girlymen. Then suddenly, municipalities are paying higher wc premiums due to all the mental health claims. –If you can’t handle it, then don’t volunteer to train to be a first responder!

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