GOP Adds Governorships in Midwest

November 4, 2010

Midwestern states were among those that added to Republican gains in governor’s offices across the country on Nov. 2.

Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin are among the states that voted to replace Democrats in their governors’ offices with Republican leaders.

In Iowa, Terry Branstad, who previously served as Iowa’s governor from 1983 -1999, promised to make quick decisions as he begins his fifth term as governor. Branstad beat Democratic incumbent Chet Culver by a solid margin, leading by 53 percent to 43 percent in late returns, the Associated Press reported.

After 16 years in the U.S. Congress, Republican Sam Brownback is coming home to be governor of Kansas with a budget crisis looming. He succeeds Democrat Mark Parkinson, who did not run for re-election. Brownback Democratic state Sen. Tom Holland to reclaim the office held by Democrats for the past eight years.

Michigan’s Governor-elect Rick Snyder, an Ann Arbor businessman, prevailed over Democrat Virg Bernero. Outgoing Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm was term limited. Snyder has vowed to eliminate the current complicated and unpopular business tax and replace it with a flat corporate tax, according to Michigan will face a $1.4 billion budget gap for 2012.

Republican John Kasich, a former congressman and Lehman Brothers banker, defeated incumbent Ohio Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland. Ohio faces a potential $8 billion deficit in 2011.

In Wisconsin, Republican Scott Walker succeeds Democrat Jim Doyle, who did not run for a third term. Walker defeated Democrat Tom Barrett. Wisconsin faces a $2.7 billion budget shortfall.

Nebraska Gov. Heineman, a Republican, retained his office after soundly defeating his Democratic challenger Mike Meister in Tuesday’s election.

Republican Gov.-elect Dennis Daugaard kept South Dakota’s governor’s office in the GOP’s hands after defeating Democratic Sen. Scott Heidepriem. He succeeds Mike Rounds, a Republican who is term limited.

Final results in governor’s races in Illinois and Minnesota have not yet been declared due to the very close nature of those contests.

Incumbent Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn maintains a slight lead over his Republican opponent, state Sen. Bill Brady.

In Minnesota, Republican nominee Tom Emmer was narrowly trailing Democrat Mark Dayton in unofficial and incomplete returns reported Nov. 3.

Associated Press reports contributed to this story.

Topics Ohio Michigan Iowa Wisconsin

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