FEMA Begins Survey of Illinois Tornado Damage

March 6, 2012

  • March 8, 2012 at 7:20 am
    antone braga says:
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    Now in my fourth decade of publishing awareness/preparedness for the insuring public, well grounded information continues to lend support. How can you possibly feel secure unless you know what to expect? Not to mention it is a common problem for disaster survivors who lack these basic rights and vital information in their time of need, when they are most vulnerable. But then who really cares…let them fend for themselves, right? Someone should care: the insurance industry, the U.S. States’ Departments of Insurance Commissioners, emergency responders, the media, consumer rights organizations, consumer protection agencies, civil liberties unions, disaster volunteers, F.E.M.A., the U.S. Counties’ Commissioners, the U.S. Cities’/States’ Emergency Management Agencies, the U.S. States’ Attorneys General, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, disaster care givers, the U.S. Cities’ Mayors, the U.S. States’ Governors, The U.S. Congress, The U.S. President…someone, anyone who cares enough to do something?…looks like it’s up to We the People. Sign a petition at Change.org to require the insurance industry provide crucial information and policyholder rights (yes, they do exist) to all policyholders as a matter of course. WHO CARES? It should be shouted from the rooftops!

    Antone P. Braga, Policyholder Rights Advocate

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