Kansas Assistant Commissioner Tomlinson Accepts New State Appointment

November 26, 2012

Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger has announced that Bob Tomlinson, the Kansas Insurance Department’s assistant commissioner, has accepted a position in the state Department of Administration.

Tomlinson, who has been assistant commissioner for 10 years, will become the director of the Kansas Office of Administrative Hearings. He begins his new job Dec. 3.

Prior to joining the Kansas Insurance Department in January 2003, Tomlinson served in the Kansas House of Representatives. Elected to six terms, he also served as chairman of the House Insurance Committee. He was also a member of the Education, Fiscal Oversight and Commercial & Financial Institution committees.

He was a special education teacher-counselor for 17 years and has been responsible for education and group therapy for emotionally disturbed adolescents and their parents. He also served as a school administrator and as principal of an alternative high school night program.

A choice for Tomlinson’s successor as assistant commissioner will be made at a later date, Commissioner Praeger said.

Source: Kansas Insurance Department

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