Missouri AG Reports $399K Settlement with Auto Warranty Firm

November 27, 2012

  • November 27, 2012 at 2:41 pm
    Brenda says:
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    My husband and I fell for the exact same thing from Warranty Direct. We received a call from a rep in N. Carolina who provided very promising and coverage and our car was just about to end its manufacturer warranty. We fell for it and when the tank in the radiator ruptured last week and we called, of course, the radiator was not covered so neither was the repair to our transmission—$2500 later. The customer service manager was absolutely rude when we tried to obtain more information. Don’t buy their warranty either!! Read the contract and it basically is written to avoid payment of any kind from them!

    • November 27, 2012 at 2:52 pm
      Scott says:
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      Brenda: Sorry to hear you were misled as well. It might not be a bad idea to forward this article (about Missouri’s efforts) and your issue to your state attorney general? Good luck!

  • February 19, 2016 at 6:34 am
    Bruce Weinel says:
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    This company has NOT reformed their practices. They continue to try to sell fraudulent “coverage” by telephone while refusing to provide details of coverage in writing prior to entering a verbal contract over the telephone. The state of Missouri Attorney General should seek further action on the basis that the company is in violation of the court agreement.

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