Illinois Bills Call for Stiffer Penalties for Boating DUI

October 22, 2013

  • October 22, 2013 at 2:03 pm
    reality bites says:
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    More than 200 people protested this hearing, which was in support of changes that would require children to learn how to operate a motorboat including those capable of traveling in excess of 40MPH?

    I don’t get it. Hunters have to take courses, and certainly drivers do, before they engage in an activity which could potentially harm others. I certainly wouldn’t want to be responsible for the act of one of my children who was involved in a serious incident, without proper certfication. It’s risk control.

    Meybe the propestors are just home-schooled Luddites who bristle at any regulation from Big Brother.

    • October 23, 2013 at 12:40 pm
      Boater says:
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      Dear Reality Bites,

      I was one of those protestors there that day and I can tell you the boating community is far from being the “home-schooled Luddites” that you refer to us as. Have you even read the laws being proposed? The boating community is 100% for more education to create safer waterways, not more laws!!! It’s obvious you are not a boater or you wouldn’t be so ignorant on this subject. I am 100% for more education (required safety classes) for ALL boaters, not just those born after 1990. Idiots and ignorance come in all ages. We disagree upon HOW the laws are written. One of the other laws requires a flag to be displayed when towing someone. This is the COMPLETE opposite of other states, where they require a flag to be displayed when the person in tow s on the water,not being towed. As for he DUI law, since it’s not even required to have a license to drive a boat, why should this be tied to a drivers license? The DNR and the Secretary of State are two different entities. And you would also have to change the vehicle code before this law could be effectively passed.

      Please read up on the FACTS before posting such an asinine remarks. Boaters are some of the most friendly and safety-conscious people I have ever met. This is a personal agenda of. Mrs. Morrison, who has no lakes in her entire district and is not even a boater. Also, compared to the number of registered boaters, the Chain. O Lakes is one of the safest bodies of water in the United States.

      Have a good day.

      • October 23, 2013 at 2:24 pm
        reality bites says:
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        Dear Boater.

        Thanks for wishing me a good day. I wish you one as well.

        I will admit to not having read the proposed regulations. All I know is what I read in the article as offered. Often when said articles are posted, I will take a moment and do some research on the InterWeb. But not in this case. My bad!

        If the article indicated that the protestors, including your good self, had stated that ‘protestors argued for sanity and consistency in conjunction with changes to the proposal’, I would have written differently. It just seemed like the crowd was stone-walling change. Which apparently is not the case.

        Not only do I have the joy of working in insurance (ugh), I also am a boating instructor on one of the busiest waterways in the country. I teach people how to interact with ferries, barges, other boats, weather, rocks, jetties, piers and the Statue of Liberty. We have extensive courses on how to use the boats in most foreseeable circumstances, and many unforeseen ones. We are lucky in that alcohol is not an ingredient to our fun and success. I’ve been doing it for years.

        My major issue with the news – as reported – was an apparent lack of desire for boating safety courses for youth. I still believe that children under a certain age TBA should be monitored, or taught properly. The US Coast Guard offers great classes on safety. I also have a home in a lake community and don’t understand how some parents can let their early teenagers take out the 23’ ski boat with an inboard V8, without a care other than “Max loves his Daddy”. Back in my day, we settled for access to the 40HP runabout and just went fishing. And we didn’t create a toxic cloud of risk uncertainty related to an accident caused by not seeing a swimmer in the middle of a lake.

        Surely there must be a better description of a protestor and I’m glad to see you shouldn’t have been labeled like a draft card burner. Now THAT’s a protestor!

  • October 22, 2013 at 2:29 pm
    Protestor says:
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    Those that protest reality bites, are those that are aware of the dangers of operating on this waterway on a BUSY WEEKEND afternoon.

    Mr Borcia rented a pontoon boat on a waterway where he had minimum experience and decided to tow his young child behind that pontoon boat on one of the busiest sections of the Chain where boats are known to travel at a high rate of speed.

    So Mr Borcia did not exercise due care or even common sense by towing this young boy in dangerous waters. Now we have the boat that hit the child driver impaired by cocaine and alcohol. So now another IL democRAT is claiming anyone that consumes alcohol is the cause of this child’s death. Mr Borcia is 50% negligent in the death of his son.

    The truth hurts. All we have here is another pandering legislator like Borcia’s aunt using her pulpit to espouse the evil consumers of alcohol when the majority are RESPONSIBLE CONSUMERS and BOATERS. Lack of common sense and experience on Mr Borcia’s part contributed to this tragedy. Those that protest, protest for that reason.

    DUI legislation is nothing but a money grab.

    • October 22, 2013 at 5:39 pm
      Celtica says:
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      Dear Protester: I am sorry to hear that a child was killed and that the father was partly at fault for poor judgement. I am sure that his family is paying a very high emotional price for their loss.

      However, there are new boaters every day who are unaware of any standards and requiring a minimum level of safety is not a money grab. Specfically, one bill calls for residents born on or after Jan. 1, 1990 to complete a boating safety course and receive a certificate from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources before they could operate a watercraft.

      How can this be a bad thing?

      • October 23, 2013 at 10:13 am
        Protestor says:
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        I’m sorry Celtica if you missed 1. the headline and 2. my point. The money grab is the DUI legislation being proposed by the IL democratic aunt (Sen Julie Morrison) of the victim, not the safety course. If you can not legislate common sense (which unfortunately Mr Borcia did not practice that day) and profit from it, then Ms Morrison might as well blame and legislate against the people (drivers) on the roads and waterways that are in the minority – responsible consumers of alcohol – of drivers causing death.

        Per the NHTSA FARS database, over 94% of drivers in a crash involving a fatality are SOBER SPEEDERS and/or SOBER INATTENTIVES.

        I hope you understand what a money grab is now.

        Have a nice day.

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