Minnesota Hits 2,000 COVID-19 Deaths, Daily Case High

September 28, 2020

  • September 28, 2020 at 1:30 pm
    Paul says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    The statement: “72% of deaths in the state have been among residents of long-term care or assisted-living facilities” says it all. And probably only 5-10% of those deaths were purely caused by Covid-19…the rest most likely died from other co-morbidities. And we have destroyed our economy and trampled our freedoms for what?

    • September 28, 2020 at 5:45 pm
      Sally Anne Fannymaker says:
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      You sound like a ghoul.

      • September 28, 2020 at 8:16 pm
        Captain Planet says:
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        He sounds like Sean Hannity. Had the virus not entered their systems, they’d still be with us. The virus is what sent them over the edge, so the virus is 100% purely the cause. I know many younger folks who have fallen ill. Two are now dead. Don’t believe the right wing hate radio talking points.

        • September 29, 2020 at 6:47 pm
          Bob says:
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          Ooooo!!! Such a pandemic you have heard of two younger folks dead!!!

          Anecdotal, useless information, and, the overall numbers are low.

          There are no right wing hate points, there is leftist hysteria.

  • September 28, 2020 at 7:08 pm
    Craig Winston Cornell says:
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    Here are the death rates from Covid 19 for the entire population of 5 Midwestern states. Now, if you took out people over 60, how extremely remotely small would the revised death rates be?

    Minnesota: 0.00036
    Wisconsin: 0.00022
    Iowa: 0.00040
    North Dakota: 0.00025
    South Dakota: 0.00023

    And remember, the vast majority of the people who “died from Covid 19” already had at least two serious illnesses.

    Covid 19 lock downs caused a sharp rise in suicides, deaths from overdosing on drugs, deaths from missing testing for cancer and other diseases, deaths from domestic violence, etc. . . . was it all worth it?

    Have you seen the numbers for people who died of THESE causes? No. Doesn’t serve the narrative.

    • September 29, 2020 at 8:39 am
      Rosenblatt says:
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      And remember, the vast majority of the people who “died from 9-11” already had at least two serious illnesses.

      • October 2, 2020 at 2:00 pm
        Craig Winston Cornell says:
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        Insanely dumb comment. People who died on 9-11 were murdered.

    • September 29, 2020 at 11:25 am
      Jon says:
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      You’re completely ignoring the people left with major organ damage as a result of having COVID, or the fact that many people who actually get the disease still need to be hospitalized. Or the fact that many even at the death rates you talk about, that is more people than die in the US in a year. Why do you think that many people dying in the US isn’t going to have just as much of an impact on the economy as closing the economy down?

      Oh right, because you’re not actually educated on this subject, you’re just repeating the Fox news rhetoric.

      • September 29, 2020 at 6:39 pm
        bob says:
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        “Why do you think that many people dying in the US isn’t going to have just as much of an impact on the economy as closing the economy down?”

        Because it won’t. 200,000 deaths would not affect the economy as much as losing 30% of GDP, it’s simple math. The work force is say 163 million at the peak. Even if all the 200,000 were workers (which given the average death age of what was it 78 isn’t likely) would be .001 percent of the workforce, and would never cause the GDP to drop 30 percent.

        You have to be absolutely clueless on the economy and per person capita to have made such a statement.

        “You’re completely ignoring the people left with major organ damage as a result of having COVID, or the fact that many people who actually get the disease still need to be hospitalized.”

        No, we aren’t. There are many things to be weighed beyond “there is a sickness therefore the world must shut down”.

        Such as the starvation deaths I mentioned from shut downs. I sourced it before. I don’t have to again, by the end of the year the monthly deaths from starvation would surpass the world total deaths of covid.

        Mental health issues are a big one too. 92% of deaths are 65 and older. 80% are 80 and up. These were people who were going to die either way. Whether covid pushed them over or not, destroying the lives of every person is not ok, and restricting the young instead of isolating the old, is insane. Every reasonable person would have done protections for the elderly and told the young to go out and do what they needed, unless they had a huge underlying condition. Only 12,000 people out of 185,000 deaths were 55 and under, and more recently, children deaths were under 100, specifically I believe it was 13 and under was at some 50 or under. Considering the infection rate, this means for most people the death rate is well under .02%.

        • September 29, 2020 at 6:45 pm
          bob says:
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          For reference, that was at some 6.5 million infections, 12,000 deaths.

          And the numbers at the time said infections were likely 15 times higher on the low end.

          97.5 million infections, 12,000 deaths of people 55 and younger. 45 to 55 is one of the big death increases too. Remove them, and it’s under 10k.

          This is not nearly the issue they made it out to be.

          What the left has called for due to this have been restrictions of freedoms which should have never happened, shaming, and the lying, as well as the shut down, are the worst blunders of our history.

          Literally, we may well spend 10 trillion on covid U.S. wise for something that NEVER should have been spent on to that degree, making us vulnerable if we have a real pandemic, a big one, which actually has say a 8% death rate.

          That debt is huge, and will have real consequences.

          The democrats calling for 2 trillion in excess of direct payments is also insane over inflated spending.

          It won’t go back to just the rich.

          But as usual: Me no likey republicans! Republicans wong!!! WWWWAAAAHHH!!

    • September 30, 2020 at 2:22 pm
      Bob says:
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      The big point on your post which is flying over the head of the left, is it is very easy to keep the 60 and older crowd safe without business shut downs.

      Yet the left did that, and then, Chris Cuomo for example, directly put the elderly at risk.

      But because we want to say Orange Man Bad, direct examples of State failures are Trump’s fault.

      The vast majority of people should be able to live their life as normal. The shaming needs to stop. The licking door knobs nonsense from Planet needs to stop.

  • October 2, 2020 at 3:13 pm
    Reason says:
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    Oh look, more heartless folks who think money and the economy are more important than human lives, which happens to also be the reason for most of our crises that are all coming to a head at once. Shut down the comments, IJ.

  • October 5, 2020 at 1:31 pm
    Caldude says:
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    So many brilliant scientific minds on this page. Please tell me more about your epidemiological studies and research.

    • October 6, 2020 at 2:57 pm
      Bob says:
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      For the numbers I posted, I don’t need to. It’s very easily verifiable.

    • October 6, 2020 at 2:58 pm
      Bob says:
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      This is a common derailing tactic, don’t have a degree on the matter, you can’t talk.

      Ok, so then stop talking on all political points Caldude, such as crime laws, pot laws, (you don’t have science aspects on pot) economic policy, tax code, etc.

      It affects you, but you don’t have a degree.

      Nonsense. Also, on most these aspects you don’t need one. The data is readily available.

      Go read it.

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