Study: Kansas Farmers Will Be Disproportionately Affected by Rising Temps

October 27, 2020

  • October 27, 2020 at 11:47 am
    Boonedoggle says:
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    In recent years the unbridled greed of Kansas farmers has been well demonstrated by their continued undiciplined use of irrigation depleting the Ogalla Aquifer. Perhaps it is time for the University to assist Kansas farmers in transitioning their crops from corn and soybeans to sagebrush.

    • October 27, 2020 at 2:31 pm
      Perplexed says:
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      I’m pretty sure farmers are feeding this nation with that water. Maybe you should stop watering your yards and wasting water.
      Sick of the climate change articles posted by IJ.

      • October 28, 2020 at 11:35 am
        Common Sense says:
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        So am I Perplexed. Boonedoggle is another of these tree huggers who don’t understand farming and what a great job farmers do.

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