IIAA, New York Association Establish America’s Survivor Relief Fund

September 17, 2001

The Independent Insurance Agents of America (IIAA) and the Independent Insurance Agents Association of New York (IIAANY) have established a relief fund to benefit victims and surviving family members of individuals who lost their lives in Tuesday’s terrorist attacks in New York City and around the country.

One hundred percent of the money received by America’s Survivor Relief Fund will go directly to aiding victims and survivors of individuals killed in this week’s tragedies.

The fund was created to direct contributions from IIAA members, their clients, industry professionals and concerned individuals to aid victims and survivors. Contributions to America’s Survivor Relief Fund qualify as tax-deductible to the extent such deductions are available to the taxpayer.

Additional partners supporting America’s Survivor Relief Fund include the Independent Insurance Agents of New Jersey, Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut and the Independent Insurance Agents of Kentucky.

Individual and business contributions to America’s Survivor Relief Fund can be facilitated through three means — electronic fund transfer (EFT), credit card payment or check. Individuals and businesses wishing to make contributions to the fund should go to www.independentagent.com and click on the fund’s logo. A web page explains contribution procedures.

To make a contribution electronically, click on the electronic funds transfer hyperlink and complete the EFT form. The pre-set form contains several fields that must be completed to submit the contribution. Contributors selecting this option will need a copy of a check so they can enter their check routing and checking account numbers in the EFT form.

America’s Survivor Relief Fund will accept payment via MasterCard, Visa and Discover credit cards. To make a contribution via credit card, call InsurBanc toll free at 1-866-467-2262. Each business day between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EDT, InsurBanc staff will be charging contributions directly over the phone. After 5 p.m., callers are asked to leave their name and phone number. InsurBanc staff will return calls the next business day.

To contribute by check, send a check made payable to America’s Survivor Relief Fund to America’s Survivor Relief Fund, c/o InsurBanc, P.O. Box 615, Farmington, Conn. 06034.

IIAA initiated the fundraising drive with a $5,000 contribution. “Through America’s Survivor Relief Fund, independent agents, their clients and concerned individuals from all walks of life can support the victims and survivors of Tuesday’s tragic events,” says IIAA CEO Robert A. Rusbuldt. “The unmatched spirit of America will prevail. The fund will empower concerned individuals to express their support for victims and survivors of this tragedy. We call on independent agents, their clients and the public to show their patriotism and compassion by supporting America’s Survivor Relief Fund or their preferred local charitable cause.”

IIAANY, through its Member Services Division, IAAC, also has contributed $5,000 to the fund. “Being so close to the disaster, no one understands the need for this relief fund more than New York agents. The vibrations are still thundering around us, and with help, we can unite to overcome this tragedy,” said Richard A. Poppa, CAE, AAI, IIAANY’s executive vice president.

All individual and business contributors to America’s Survivor Relief Fund will receive a statement documenting their donation to this worthy cause for use when preparing tax returns.

Topics Agencies New York

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