Travelers Makes Available Online Billing Inquiry for Ind. Agents

May 20, 2002

Travelers independent agents now have a new, faster and easier way to access policyholder billing information for automobile and home insurance customers. The company has launched an online capability that enables real-time billing inquiries, reducing the time necessary for these processes.

The new functionality places billing information right at the fingertips of agency customer service representatives, providing instant access to the information customers see on their bills as well as a complete payment history. Now, agencies can respond immediately to customers’ billing questions, including whether their last payment was received, the amount of the next billing installment, and due date information.

“Our new online billing inquiry helps streamline yet another administrative process, helping agencies focus more of their time on developing new business,” Joseph Lacher, CEO of Travelers Personal Lines, commented.

The electronic billing inquiry is the newest offering of the Travelers Agency Portal, Travelers’ online doorway to the systems, forms and applications independent agencies use on a daily basis.

Registered agencies can access this e-service through the Personal Lines portal at

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