New Market: Nonstandard Auto

July 12, 2002

  • March 13, 2005 at 2:27 am
    S Hill says:
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    Just remember – you get what you pay for!

    Notes on an investigation made by an adjuster at Viking Ins. revealed that he misidentified the driver, falsified statements and failed to contact the insured for information on an accident. His investigation took a total of 9 minutes, most of which was spent finding out who, how much and where to send a check – followed by a 3-year premium hike of more than double the previous cost to the insured.

    Consumers would be well-advised to select coverage from a company 1) with local access and, 2) that doesn’t “pass the buck” at the cost of their insureds.

    Viking offers bargain rates, for bargain-rate services. You get what you pay for.

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