Shareholders Approve St. Paul Travelers Marriage

March 22, 2004

  • March 22, 2004 at 12:52 pm
    Thomas A. Drawert says:
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    A $13Billion company taking second position on the marquee to a $7Billion company is a “merger of equals”?

    So says Mr. Fishman of St. Paul. How is his $7Billion company with sliding ratings the “equal” of Travelers.

    You have to give Mr. Fishman credit, though. He persuaded Travelers management to take second place in the name, take only half the Board, and give him the top job!

  • March 25, 2004 at 3:23 am
    Bob Fournier says:
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    Maybe they decided to list the companies alphabetically. That’s the only way St. Paul would ever get top billing over Travelers in my mind.

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