NAMIC Responds to Senate Class Action Vote

July 12, 2004

  • July 12, 2004 at 11:27 am
    LG says:
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    We see a perfect example of politics in Action, for the Congress by the Congress and the blank for the American Citizen & Taxpayer. Class Action is used more for a Gold field of Trial Attorney, while the members get the SHAFT. Is there need for a form of Class Action, absolutely!

    Remember, you vote for these indviduals and many I am sorry to say can not, “Walk, Talk & Chew Gum at the same time.


  • July 12, 2004 at 1:17 am
    John says:
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    Thank GOD it failed. Corporate America wants to be able to further their abuse of workers and consumers with impunity and this would have helped them immensely. One win for the little people.

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