PCI Plans High Profile Presence at Republican National Convention

August 26, 2004

  • August 27, 2004 at 4:04 am
    Ralph Avery says:
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    After review of the National Underwriters article – who is best for the insurance industry we MUST get that information out to the public, and not just the to the delagates at the RNC convention.

    How do we do it – please tell me.

    Not a big agency, not a lot of money, but a whole bunch of desire to get the message out. Especially to Florida voters who are now paying high prices for insurance. They need to know what will happen if the Terroerist bill is not renewed.
    It will a catastrophy for everyine, including my businees and my staff. We were so close to going under wwhen Daschle did his ‘thing’ that fateful December when the bill was passed.
    I had alreadt advised my staff that we may have to close as all property policies were up for non-renewals. (we handle mostly condominium associations – large ocean front property)

    Please advise how I can help

    Thank You

    Ralph Avery

  • August 31, 2004 at 8:43 am
    Tim says:
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    It should be noted that John Kerry voted for the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act. See http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=107&session=2&vote=00252.

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