Survey Says: Myths About the Cost of Auto Insurance Persist

July 25, 2005

  • July 25, 2005 at 8:22 am
    crossins says:
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    Did Progressive/Drive pay for this advertisement?

  • July 25, 2005 at 12:31 pm
    Scott Plapp says:
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    Sounds more like a press release than a paid ad. A lot of businesses use them to try to get their name in print. Whether or not the release gets published is up to the editor.

  • July 25, 2005 at 2:51 am
    Tass says:
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    My question is: Why does Progressive do surveys which repeatedly bring known facts like “comprehensive” coverage is misunderstood and is not really comprehensive, yet they use “comprehensive” as the nomenclature when they could just as easily use “other than collision”?
    Myth: Progressive really cares about insureds.
    Fact: Progressive delights in tricking and deceiving insureds.

  • July 28, 2005 at 8:31 am
    Marcus Spinelli says:
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    It seems to me none of the agents who posted replies read the article at all…. This is not an ad or a deception tactic, its simply an article stateing the fact that insureds know nothing about insurance. So what this tells me is that the concept of direct wrighters is a farse, people who thinks color effects price cant wright thier own policies nor can they select thier own coverages…THINK ABOUT IT??????????

  • August 1, 2005 at 1:15 am
    I agree with Marcus says:
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    What difference does it make who provides/takes the survey as long as it is used as an educational tool when the results are published. Everyone can benefit from a little education.

  • August 1, 2005 at 2:57 am
    I agree with Marcus response says:
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    I agree about education being a good thing which is really brought home when you read some of the comments. Go out and buy Phonics R Us!

  • August 1, 2005 at 3:28 am
    Russ Vollmer says:
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    Regardless of what one thinks of Progressive, this survey provided useful information about how people perceive our product. In short, they just don’t understand it and by providing information like this, Progressive has helped educate the public about a large expenditure that most people have to make. Misunderstanding has led to a lot of animosity between the public and the industry over the years and the industry as a whole has provided little to help people understand its product. Despite the fact that most, if not all, insurers have abandoned the term “comprehensive” in favor of the more specific “other than collision” terminology, the general public still refers to that coverage as “comprehensive” since it was in general use for so long. Other than changing terminology in the policy, insurers have done little or nothing to further explain the coverage. Debunking myths is a good form of education. After all, isn’t that what John Stossel of ABC News has so often done on TV?

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