Kingsway Taps The Robert Plan to Manage Auto Assigned Risk in U.S.

November 28, 2005

  • November 28, 2005 at 12:26 pm
    Bob Clark says:
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    Hopefully, the Robert Plan will do a better job managing this business, than they did in New Jersey and New York. To do this, they need a strong change in management.

  • November 28, 2005 at 1:32 am
    Mark says:
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    Yeah, they don\’t do a very good job with AIG\’s Texas AR risks, either. They\’re pretty rude and unhelpful.

  • November 28, 2005 at 1:47 am
    Kenny the agent/broker says:
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    This says it all. This is an organization specializing in customer non-service and perpetrating fraud on the brokerage community and the public at large. Assigned Risk plans in New York and all other states should bar The Robert Plan from entering into any service contracts based on their past history of abuse and incompetance.

  • November 28, 2005 at 2:07 am
    Chris says:
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    Concidently, there is an article in today\’s Wall Street Journal about litigation between AIG and the Robert Plan. It makes interesting reading.

  • November 30, 2005 at 9:18 am
    Test says:
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    Just a test for barbara

  • December 1, 2005 at 7:56 am
    Former Regulator says:
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    I am a former regulator with both the NY and NJ Dept. of Insurance. While I cannot speak to the comments of those you call disgruntled employees, I can say that the Robert Plan has had major regulatory problems in the past.

  • December 1, 2005 at 8:21 am
    DeepThroat says:
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    Please post links to any Insurance Department reports citing these \”Major\” regulatory issues.

  • December 1, 2005 at 8:31 am
    One who knows says:
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    Key words in Follow up to DeepThroat\’s Comments \”in the past\”. As had all major carriers at one point or another. Currently there are some pretty big players entering the market Robert Plan is in and they are trying to duplicate the process exactly how Robert Plan has been doing it. Robert Plan must have been doing something right.

  • December 1, 2005 at 6:40 am
    DeepThroat says:
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    Don\’t believe the hype. The Robert Plan is the BEST at what it does. Sounds like a bunch of disgruntled former employees if you ask me.

    Simon, weren\’t you TERMINATED from the Robert Plan for sending internal pornographic e-mails?

  • December 9, 2005 at 5:10 am
    ex employee says:
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    trust me….. they (RPC) know what they are doing. the real struggle was dealing with AIG politics and lack of knowledge from AIG \’s management.

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