House Advances Liability Protection for Bird Flu Vaccine Makers

By | December 21, 2005

  • December 21, 2005 at 12:43 pm
    DS says:
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    After reading this article seems we need to move drug mfg out of the private – for profit zone immediately Something has to be done whereby drugs are manufactured for the good of people – not the pockets of politicians and business.
    This defense bill is really loaded. The Congress passed up a tremendous opportunity to pass a provision to limit the global trade in cockfighting birds—a well-established threat to transmit bird flu and a pathway to spread the deadly disease across the globe—and instead used the Defense spending bill to attach a controversial provision to allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. In addition to this, it also will allow research and drilling in.
    Why don\’t I feel like my elected officials represent ME?

  • December 21, 2005 at 2:19 am
    Imostlyagree says:
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    I agree for the most part with what you wrote. I even contacted my State Senators to let them know I was against the Department of Defense Bill that comes up to vote soon. Not sure anyone in Congress cares about animal cruelty and cockfighting not to mention the Artic National Wildlife Refuge. You would think they would take an opportunity to prevent the spread of a Bird Flu Pandemic. In terms of the Drug Companies – the truth is aome aren\’t making that much money these days – not much in the pipeline and the stock prices are dropping. It costs a fortune to bring a new drug to market and very few are successful plus than you have to deal with the products liability aspect. The reality is if we depend on a non profit or the government to develop drugs we would get less by way of new medicines. Profit is a strong motivator.

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