Feds Promise Full Probe of Mine Disaster; Democrats Seek Hearings

January 6, 2006

  • January 6, 2006 at 10:40 am
    Ned says:
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    What could possibly be the purpose of congressional hearings? Considering who\’s calling for them, I have to believe it\’s to place blame on the president. It has to be his fault. He should have inspected the mine himself.

    Not that everything was done perfectly. With all the violations, the mine probably should have been shut down and fines should probably be stiffer. But with the improvement in mine safety and decrease in death and even disease rates, this was not an issue that warranted presidential attention.

    This is simply another shameless attempt to capitalize politically from a tragedy. I have one question for Miller, Owens and Kennedy – what have they done about mine safety in the past 5 years or even their entire political careers?

  • January 6, 2006 at 12:54 pm
    Reagan says:
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    I agree with Ned. This is outrageous. Let\’s hold hearings on why everything seems to be President Bush\’s fault and why Kennedy has never been tried for the 1969 murder he committed. What HAS he done about mine safety? While this is a trajedy, in 1907, 1,400 people died in mining accidents in PA alone. As the old saying goes, Sh*t happens

  • January 6, 2006 at 12:59 pm
    Exactly-Accidents happen says:
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    I could not agree more with both of you and am glad to see more and more people are getting fed up with what is going on AT OUR/TAXPAYERS EXPENSE. With the improvements in crime investigation, I think the Ted Kennedy \”situation\” (murder is what it was) should be reopened and investigated thoroughly and the results made public as quickly as possible and he be charged as he should have been back then. Yes, why are politicians always reactive instead of proactive as they should be? We need to vote them out of office, they are dead in the water politicians that need to be out of office and fresh blood and thinking brought in.

  • January 6, 2006 at 1:00 am
    Observer says:
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    You got it Ned, it\’s more political grandstanding because there is an audience for their rantings.

    As to what any of the politicians mentioned have done for miners over the years…you got that one too.

    By the way, the truth can now be told about the drowning of Mary Jo Kopeckne in the \’60\’s…Ted Kennedy was not driving the car, it was George Bush.

  • January 10, 2006 at 2:11 am
    Rob says:
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    And it wasn\’t actually a car. It was an SUV, fueled by Halliburton oil that Dick Cheney pumped himself.

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