Sarbanes-Oxley Oversight Board Facing Constitutional Challenge

February 27, 2006

  • February 27, 2006 at 12:38 pm
    \'Bout Time says:
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    It\’s about time somebody stood up and took notice of what SOX is doing to both small and large businesses alike!

    The number of flaming hoops that have been created by no means prevent the corporate office from purporting fraud upon the shareholders of a particular company. Those who wish to line their pockets will continue to do so, merely making sure that they cover their tracks better or are out of the country when the defecation hits the ventilation. The hundreds of thousands of man-hours currently being expended to pull data which, in the long run, suits no true purpose, is a travesty.

    Good luck and Godspeed to those challenging this inane process.

  • February 28, 2006 at 7:00 am
    Jessica Wall-Byrnes says:
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    A good alternative is to provide very thorough basic training to all public company employees so that they understand SOX and are in a position to help their company with compliance. Sarbanes Oxley Simplified, a new interactive course, is available through Competence Software. It\’s not the usual boring page-turner. Before one can comply with the act, one should understand the act and its relevance to on-the-job activity and production. Each of the 11 titles and 66 sections [of the Act] is explained and illustrated with humorous graphics, and knowledge transfer is tested with interactive quizzes. Separate lessons concentrate on Sections 302 and 404, which are the parts of the act that have the greatest impact on executives and employees of public corporations. The full [text of the] Act is included in the course in both PDF and HTML format, with over 200 key terms hyperlinked to an online glossary that [explains] these key terms.Jessica Wall-Byrnes Competence Software Inc

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