Insurers Back in Court Over World Trade Center Coverage

By | March 8, 2006

  • March 9, 2006 at 7:43 am
    HHhhhmmmm says:
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    Well, now if the conspiracy boys can get people believing that the 911 attack was planned and show ol\’ Silverstien was in on it ….. the insurance companies don\’t owe him a dime and he owes them the money back. If he\’s in in the scam then he gets the rap for arson and goes to prizzon.
    Perhaps the insurance companies are behind the conspiracy stories.

  • March 9, 2006 at 3:53 am
    Lefty1 says:
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    Suit up Health Net, I\’m now in Basketball Cards.

    Got a good shot for anyone interested, left wrist is in the same M-F condition as just before the BIG surgery of 6-13-96.

    Good thing those 1966 & 1988 medical records needed were in Such Poor condition to retrieve. 6 feet under your bottom dollar right HCA, Foundation Health Corp?

    Orlando Magic Otis Smith, SkyBox 1990. #206
    Back Slider move.

  • March 9, 2006 at 4:18 am
    Filter says:
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    So the IJ doesn\’t filter it\’s e-mails, and we have to read spam?!

  • March 9, 2006 at 4:27 am
    Lefty1 says:
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    Silver Management Team also known here in San Jose, California.

    Words of Advice. Here\’s a list of things to stay out of.

    Crown Royal Obsessions.

    1. Silver Management Company, Redwood City.

    2. Silver dime collections.

    3. Silver City Pink, Revlon lip stick.

    4. Silver Signature NHL hockey puck.

    5. Silver Bullet Band, & Bob Seger Collection.

    6. Silver Belt Buckle.

    7. Silver Ship Necklace, cut from a dime.

    8. Silver box set (4) of miniture Ace\’s.

    9. Silver, if you come in to my house and take inventory again…see what all will happen to \”Who\” wants to take that long shot gamble.

  • March 10, 2006 at 7:41 am
    No Surprise Here says:
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    If any distinction [in severity of punishment] is to be made, it appears to me that it should be in favor of an uneducated person. For an ex-Congressman so far to forget his oath taken five times and knowing so well the provisions of the law he helped to frame seems to be incomprehensible.

    Tragically this appears in the Hippocratic Oath.


  • March 10, 2006 at 3:19 am says:
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    And you can pretend all you want to Foundation Health Corp.

    You duc (2) State Farm, I\’ll bet your *** you have a real good time.

    Champagne for everyone, don\’t worry honey century city\’s got everything covered.

    I\’m preparing your book of dream\’s for the team, because…

    I know my address.

    I can count to 10.

    I can skip and jump.

    I can write my first name.

    I can tie shoes

    I know my colors

    I write both names.

    I\’ve Got a gold star for you.

    Fact, we can play all the cards if you want to?

    Come on down to my house, it\’ll be fun.

    We\’ll reflect on the time\’s.

    No Hassle\’s, see and compare, promise!


  • March 10, 2006 at 3:31 am
    Ms. says:
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    Industrial Medical Coucil of California, Afterwards, I\’ll even hold a Rumage Sale,

    Reserved the bread maker for you.

  • March 10, 2006 at 6:36 am
    In Your Photo Center Records.. says:
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    Come on in……..
    We can watch Patch Adams!

    Heck I\’ll even throw in the kitchen sink For you when you leave.

    PAL\’s for life, promise.

  • March 13, 2006 at 9:38 am
    Rick says:
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    I\’m sure that if this wasn\’t a Cat loss, the insurance companies would be saying that this was two events (two deductibles) and the landlord would have claiming that it was a sigle event with a (single Deductible).

  • March 13, 2006 at 9:54 am
    Hal says:
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    How about a hail storm followed by a tornado? Two events – No
    How about each hail stone being a different event? No
    A drive-by shooting and each bullet is a different event? No
    It\’s all been tried before.
    Sliverstien insured the buildings on a blanket policy with values based on the value of one building – \”surely something would not happen to both buildings a the same time\” which resulted in him being under-insured at the time of loss.
    It\’s the same ol\’ story about saving money on premiums and being sad after the loss.

  • March 13, 2006 at 11:26 am
    hal says:
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    Sure, it\’s an Insurance to Value issue.

    But, you can\’t blame Silverstein for trying. What\’s his downside? A couple of million in legal fees. What\’s his upside? $3.5 Billion. It\’s a no brainer.

  • March 13, 2006 at 11:32 am
    Hal says:
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    Sue anybody even when you know you are wrong because you might get money.
    Honor and honesty don\’t count if you can get some money? What a sleeze. I\’m glad I mispelled his name.
    Theft by any other name is still theft.

  • March 13, 2006 at 11:38 am
    The Anylist says:
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    Thief of property = robber, burglar
    Thief of truth = liar
    Thief of life = murderer
    The difference in these theives is how they rationalize their actions.

  • March 30, 2006 at 4:35 am
    A. Patriot says:
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    There is a growing movement in the U.S., the 9/11 Truth movement, that says that the attacks on the WTC show earmarks of demolition. Recently, Charlie Sheen was the lastest in a list of high-profile individuals to express their reservations about the official story. See for a physicist who discusses these. Not only is there Mr. Silverstein\’s admission that he and a fire chief decided to \”pull it\”, but the visible evidence that squibs can be seen going off in a video of the event.

    Is the building\’s collapse being described as anything other than the controlled demolition it appears to be in this second court case? If so, I should think the defense lawyers might like to investigate the source of videos like this:

    It seems a relevent topic to at least touch on, with billions on the line.

    If evidence like that is being barred from the trial, then it can only mean that the judge\’s impartiality has been co-opted. Can anybody supply the best website to keep posted on the progress of these trials?

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