U.S. Senate Breathes New Life into Small Group Health Option

March 16, 2006

  • March 16, 2006 at 1:09 am
    MUD says:
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    Senator Kennedy and his ilk are constantly working against small businesses and the self employed. This is just another example. This bill, if enacted will provide true relief to the owners and employees of small businesses. Getting government off their backs about what kind of insurance, or how much insurance protection they should buy. It is their business…let them make their own decisions.
    The puzzle is why liberal democrats are against this, hmm……maybe cause they want the government to takeover health insurance and give to everyone for FREE. Has anyone ever wondered where good ol Uncle Sam can scrounge up an extra 1.3 TRILLION DOLLARS to pay for this? Maybe the guy trying to sell the billion dollar bill works for the Government and was trying to raise some funds for them!
    When was the last time Ted Kennedy ran a business, thats right NEVER. Who do he and his ilk think they are telling REAL business owners(who put all they have at risk every day) how to run a business.
    Ted Kennedy supports air bags in cars because he thinks it is like an oxygen tank, in case your car goes off a bridge and you can\’t call for help for several hours after cosulting with attorneys!!!!

  • March 16, 2006 at 1:16 am
    Paul Wilson CEBS says:
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    Want to know more about the need for AHPs
    and learn how they will work?
    Dr. Paul Wilson CEBS, CPCU

  • March 16, 2006 at 2:28 am
    Chris says:
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    Don\’t you see that in Ted Kennedy\’s world there are only three classes of employees: Federal/State/Local Gov\’t Employees who rely upon Ted\’s plan for an ever-expanding government role, and thus payroll; Union Employees of large corporations that Ted trades favors with while taxing the crap out of the \”Fat Cat\” employer; and The Unemployed, who rely upon the largess of Ted and his ilk for their daily bread, and to thus whom they owe total allegiance (read: VOTES).

    There\’s no room in Ted\’s world for the small company or the self-employed; except maybe to use as subterfuge for opposing bills that actually make sense.

  • March 16, 2006 at 3:02 am
    MUD says:
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    Right on Chris.

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