Travelers: Six More States Eligible for Hybrid Auto Discount

March 21, 2006

  • March 21, 2006 at 1:36 am
    wondering about hybrid disount says:
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    I wonder what they are basing the discount on since hybrids are so new they do not have any experience with them. It may be they will have worse loss experience than traditional vehicles but I guess it is the polically correct thing to do.

  • March 21, 2006 at 5:26 am
    ClaimsGuy says:
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    I concur… there is no experience here, just marekting. I love the idea of hybrids and think there should be rewards since it appears they are more expensive to own.

    A few of us in the claims world are waiting for the claims from people who get run over by Hybrids.. ever listen to a hybrid at 10mph ? you can\’t hear them coming at slow speeds… no engine noise… nothing.

    Maybe the answer is for them to beep when they are in battery mode.

  • March 23, 2006 at 1:24 am
    Florida Product Analyst says:
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    From what I understand, the hybrid discount isn\’t quite so much about the performance of the vehicle, but of the drivers. The overall demographic of the hybrid buyer is generally believed to include people who are more conscientious, careful about what they invest in (presumably including taking care of their car), and if not affluent, at least willing/able to spend that kind of money on a car.

    That all \”sounds plausible\”, but I don\’t personally know if those perceptions bear any actual weight. After all, I have a 2006 Prius coming into the dealership for me next week, so the actual demographics can\’t be THAT stellar. ;)

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