Actuaries Estimate Cost of Terrorist Attacks on Cities; N.Y. at $778 Billion; D.C. at $196.8 Billion

March 31, 2006

  • March 31, 2006 at 1:18 am
    David says:
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    For the rest of the country, what would be the estimated cost of a similar attack in Chicago, Des Moines, Kansas City, Portland, Las Vegas, or any other U.S. city?
    This is not simply a New York City or Washington problem.

  • March 31, 2006 at 1:41 am
    Retro Man says:
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    Unfortunately, New York City and Washington DC would be the most logical choice if terrorists were able to pull off a CNBR attack. One is the Financial capital of the world, while the other is the seat of government(and sworn enemy of the terrorists) for the most powerful country in the world. The damage inflicted would be maximized by targeting either location.

  • April 2, 2006 at 9:30 am
    Roger Poe says:
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    Let Pilot Claim Service, a claim adjusting contractor for Allstate Insurance, handle any CNBR claim loss assessments / claim adjusting.

    Per their conduct in Texas, their claim loss assessment / settlement practices may whittle the actuarial loss projections down to zero…

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