Crash Tests Show Safety Benefits of Optional Side Air Bags

April 17, 2006

  • April 18, 2006 at 12:50 pm
    Ika San says:
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    So here we go again. How many of you remember folks suing Chrysler because their cars did have air bags while others swere suing because some Chrysler cars did not? How many passengers had their heads blown off because these friendly little balloons had massive explosive charges behind them at the behest of the Feds.

    In my CPCU classes years ago I was dismayed that the Haddon theory that all insurance losses were the result of an engineering failure was now the accepted philosophy in the insurance industry. Driver stupidity and carelessness don\’t matter any more- Big Brother will protect you and give you means means to sue somebody, anybody if you are injured.

    I pay attention when I drive and I always wear my seatbelt. I assume that all the drivers around me are going to do something stupid and I\’m seldom disappointed. I don\’t need exploding balloons or computers to steer my car for me because I know how to drive!

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