Acordia Acquires Calif. Broker Brodie

April 18, 2006

  • April 19, 2006 at 1:12 am
    Another Hit the Dust says:
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    This is a sad day for the employees of Brodie, just wait until they find out about all the empty promises Wells Fargo has made to them. Say Hello to more work and less money.

  • April 19, 2006 at 2:18 am
    Tom Boy says:
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    You aint shittin. They are ruthless to employees,

  • April 19, 2006 at 4:48 am
    Ex Wells Fargo Employee says:
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    Wells Fargo does not know how to run an insurance agency. They treat all of the licensed professionals like bank tellers.
    Actually they are not well liked in the banking industry either (the horror stories I have heard). They can take their horse and stage coach and put it where the sun don\’t shine. They acquire insurance agencies, make all departments cut their support staff, cut the raises, take away the good benefits and make you pay for the crappy benefits, put a cap on your job position so you will never get a raise again, and then load you down with as much possible work as they can. Oh and change your position from non-exempt to exempt. Their Karma will catch up with them someday!

  • April 20, 2006 at 2:18 am
    Tony Ackerman says:
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    I do not know how Wells is out in California but in Illinois they have treated us with respect and a substantial increase benefits. There has been no change in the workload and improved benefits. As an owner who sold to a company they later purchased I\’m glad we were purchased by Wells. I see them as a class act.

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