Supreme Court Debates What Constitutes ‘Adverse’ Changes in Employment

April 19, 2006

  • April 19, 2006 at 1:30 am
    Chris says:
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    Hate to say it guys, but what happened to this woman sure sounds like retaliation to me. If it was covered, and my say, I would have settled the claim if I could. And, I sure wouldn\’t be risking making bad case law on a $43,000 verdict.

  • April 20, 2006 at 8:53 am
    Rita says:
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    I also hate to say it, but it\’s getting to where lawsuits are some peoples\’ only recourse to making sure companies are actually following the law. Businesses can be just as greedy as individuals (sometimes moreso)…

    Since this was just a $43,000 verdict, it sounds like a case where justice was actually being sought and delivered, not some greedy grab at millions.

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