U.S. Supreme Court Won’t Hear Holocaust Claim Case

June 22, 2006

  • June 23, 2006 at 1:07 am
    Anonymous says:
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    The decision disgusts me and shames me as an American.

    If the U.S. Government wants to be a social services agency and dole out aid they should be up front about it and do it with allocated funds. They should not take from Peter to pay Paul.

    In my opinion, the NY lawyer is not represeting his clients if, in fact, what you attribute to him in your article is correct. What was his Fee?

    Destitute jews in the former soviet union are needy but they did not have the assets in the swiss banks. The Jewish people in Russia with assets were financially raped by Stalin and the communist party. Those with assets either got out or were purged before the Nazi armies marched in. There was nothing left to steal

    If one wants to give aid to destitute survivors in the old Soviet Union give them aid through ligitamate channels. Do not forceably take assets from others without their consent and give the money away.

    At current vales the 1.25 Billion is a fraction of what was looted and should go to those to who\’s families the assets were looted from. These people are perfectly capable of making their own chaitable contributions and many of them have. What does need have to do with returning assets to those from whom those assets were looted.

    I will not say that those doing the allocation are evel as was that case with the swiss bankers and nazis that originally looted the money. If one wanted to be kind one could call them severly misguided. They are not remotly approaching \”Robin Hood\” standards. At least Robin Hood redistributed funds from those that they were looted from but not proportionally. Here ,the funds go to pay healthy fees and to others not entitled to them.

    Is there any recourse for those who feel that they have been misrepresented by their legal representitives or did the settlements absolve those represetatives of any liability?

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