Fed Official Raises Concerns Over Wal-Mart Entry into Banking

July 14, 2006

  • July 14, 2006 at 11:15 am
    RJ says:
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    As far as I\’m concerned the banking industry needs the competition. They control all financial decisions within the state and federal legislatures now. That means they currently have nearly free reign to do to the consumer as they please. I see no reason why retailers shouldn\’t be able to find a way to cut the fees charged to them for accepting the banks credit cards. We, as consumers, are paying double. The retailer has no choice but to add the bank fee/cost of processing a credit card on to the consumer, and, unless you\’re fortunate enough to always pay off CC debt monthly the bank makes more from the exhorbitant interest rates.

    Have you heard of any banking legislation being opposed recently by any state or federal legislatures? Have any legislatures opposed the exhorbitant consumer interest rates or fees being charged by banks? Consumers…wake up…instead of passing along negative propaganda about successful companies attempting to improve their costs and stay successful/profitable, i.e., the Wal-Marts or the Microsofts…contact your legislature about the abuses and unopposed priviledges your bank is taking.

  • July 14, 2006 at 2:00 am
    Walmart \"Push & Shove\" em says:
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    Let\’s see how big ol bad Walmart tries to push their way through this like they are always pushing their way into towns and neighborhoods that do not want them. I hope they do not win, they do not need to start trying to oust banks and credit unions like they like to do to other businesses.

  • July 14, 2006 at 6:38 am
    International Insolvency Revie says:
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    With the FDIC insurance fund, standing at some $49.2 billion currently.

    Who will be paid off if say \”should the bank become insolvent?\” selective returns, financed by premiums paid by banks.

    Welcome to Wal-Bank, Stock Split, Cash Dividend\’s.

    What a novel idea.

  • July 15, 2006 at 12:01 pm
    Mark H says:
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    Hey \”Push & Shove\”,

    Have you ever shopped at a Wal-Mart? I bet you have.

    But if not, don\’t ever support what you despise by shopping there. Go to K-mart or some locally owned merchant.

    If you have shopped there, then you are a hypocrite.

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