Truckers Seek to Slow Big-Rigs

By Brad Foss | October 19, 2006

  • October 19, 2006 at 1:15 am
    good buddy says:
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    Like pizza delievery drivers, there is a culture in the trucking industry that not only allows speeding it encourages it. Top management will never ever admit it. A just in time society wants it\’s goods to come screaming in on a truck with the brakes on fire and the engine smoking. That is not to say there are not good trucking companies, there are many. The good ones are at a disadvantage, why not level the playing field and reduce speed related incidents?

  • October 19, 2006 at 1:29 am
    KLS says:
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    Ohkay, fine. Let\’s reduce and govern truck speed… and if we\’re going to do that, let\’s reduce and govern private-passenger vehicle speed, too.

    In the MAJORITY of commercial truck vs. private passenger vehicle accidents, the private passenger vehicle is at fault. Research to support this can be found by doing a simple internet search.

    So if they\’re going to limit the speed of one group of vehicles, they had better limit the speed of EVERY group of vehicles on the road. Only at that point will the \’playing field\’ actually resemble \’level\’.

    I have to admit, I don\’t understand your pizza delivery/trucking industry comparison at all. There are perhaps some general and limited similarities, but how else have you connected the two?

  • October 19, 2006 at 3:41 am
    Trucker says:
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    So now we would have trucks going slower than the cars. Is this safe? A truck will build up speed going down hill so he can get up the next hill without slowing to a crawl and impeding traffic. Do you not see the cars moving from lane to lane to get pass the slow vehicles. So now they want us to do it to get around the trucks. You will have a truck going up a hill in 70mph traffic at 50mph or less. I know some of those trucks speed, but I thought that was why we have Police, to catch the speeders and give them tickets. It is stupid and foolish to have one vehicle going one speed and another going a slower speed in todays traffic. Can\’t you see a truck pulling out into the left lane of a major highway to pass a slow car. He is doing 68mph and the traffic coming up in that left hand lane is doing 70 or 75mp or more. Oh, and think about at night comming up behind them. Someone please tell me that this is safe???

  • October 20, 2006 at 2:05 am
    not a pizza delivery driver says:
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    I think the pizza delivery driver analogy was meant to illustrate how some pizza companies may guarantee that your pizza arrives within a certain time frame or it is free– therefore, a manager/owner of the company may encourage the drivers to drive fast so they won\’t lose money on late pizzas.

    similarly, truck drivers may get paid more or a bonus or something like that if they arrive at their delivery destination earlier rather than later…

    i don\’t know the particulars but i see the original posters point with the pizza delivery comment… no need to jump all over them because it made sense.

  • October 20, 2006 at 2:12 am
    Rachel Morgan says:
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    My husband worked as a trucker for over 40 years. It works like this. A large tractor will get about 4-8 miles per gallon of fuel. It does not matter if he is going up hill, down hill, 5 mph or 100mph. To a truck, speed limit is time. The more deliveries that he makes, the more money that he makes which equates to more money per hour worked. That is why the drivers go to companies without a governor on the trucks. If he get paid $50 a load and can do it in 5 hours, he earned $10 per hour. If it takes him 6 hours, he only makes $8.33 a hour. When you work as many hours as they do, every little bit counts.

  • October 23, 2006 at 1:57 am
    Domino says:
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    The issue at hand is about the fact that when trucks are involved in any accident, at fault or not, ususally people die because trucks are so large. Its that simple.

  • October 23, 2006 at 2:02 am
    Trucker says:
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    So getting hit by a truck at 68mph is better than at 70-75mph?? I DON\’T THINK SO!!! You are probably dead not matter what so why make the situation worst and end up with more accidents due to people trying to get around them. Yes, they are bigger and if you tangle with one, regardless of speed, you are going to come out on the short end.

  • October 23, 2006 at 2:31 am
    Crest says:
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    I dont understand, where I live cars are already going much faster than trucks, so what are you talking about? Maybe its different down there in Hicksville.

  • October 24, 2006 at 10:59 am
    KLS says:
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    Good point made, Trucker. A speed-limiter set at 68mph probably isn\’t going to make a significant difference in fatalities.

    Professional truck drivers should be able and allowed to do their jobs to the best of their abilities. Speed-limiters will potentially cause impairments. The fact that this article is titled \”Truckers Seek to Slow Big-Rigs\” is a misnomer. \”Large Trucking Companines Seek to Slow Big-Rigs\” is more accurate, in my opinion.

    Driver education needs improvement and it should include more information on how to share the road with vehicles of all sizes, especially trucks. When I was in high school, drivers\’ ed was only for one semester… and that was barely enough to prepare me for the situations one typically encounters. I don\’t recall any truck-specific information being covered at all. What were your drivers\’ ed experiences like? Do you think it was sufficient training?

    How many of you here are insurance professionals? If all of you are, please research the issue of speed-limiters. It may not impact you directly, but if any of you are writing commercial auto, the issue is worth your attention.

  • November 1, 2006 at 12:58 pm
    David Fang says:
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    IF You need this rigs. Contact us immediately.

  • November 6, 2006 at 8:08 am
    bb says:
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    What major trucking company doesn\’t already have electronically controlled governors on all of their trucks? ALL of them do. And they already set them at lower than highway speed limits. I worked for J.B.Hunt 2 years ago who had their trucks set at 62 mph. I quit that job, mostly because of THAT. I am now working for a company, driving a truck with a governor that is set at 79 mph. The Interstate speed limit here is 75mph.
    Whatever the case for these lobbyists wanting to introduce this law, it certainly isn\’t for the reasons stated. If a company wants to increase fuel mileage, they only have to decide how much fuel they want to save and reduce the maximum speed of their fleets through the governors that are already installed on their trucks.

    And frankly, I DO agree with a portion of this article: Just pay truckers by the hour. Of course, companies will not want to go that route because the motivation now is to get as many miles as possible per day. With an already huge shortage of drivers nationwide, it would probably impact companies in productivity, because drivers wouldn\’t feel they have to push themselves so much to earn their paycheck. But, THAT would be a GOOD thing for everyone ELSE\’S SAFETY!!!

    I have driven for 22 years, OTR, Regional and Local. I will never drive OTR or Regional again. I am driving locally and making at least as much money as OTR drivers, undoubtedly a great deal more, and am getting paid hourly, not mileage. My company doesn\’t push and drive me to \”get all this stuff done – NOW!\”, so I DO get it done without all the added stress of being forced to get it done. I go home every night, I see my son, my dogs and my wonderful home. I don\’t live in the back of a truck or in hotels, it\’s wonderful thing.

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