Wal-Mart Expands $4 Generic Drugs to 11 More States

November 17, 2006

  • November 17, 2006 at 3:23 am
    Druggie says:
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    \”Wal-Mart launched the program in what it called an effort to save working Americans money on health care. Critics said it was a stunt to draw in business and a grab for a bigger share of the drug business. \”

    If it\’ll drop the $$$ of what I pay, more power to em.

  • November 20, 2006 at 1:42 am
    wudchuck says:
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    well, it\’s not the matter of $$$…in reality, i think we finally have made it known to the drug manufacturers, they are getting out of hand for cost of drugs…when drugs are massed produced and generics cost less, your actually paying for the product label vs the actual drug…why do you think when u purch items that say food lion/kroger vs a name brand is cheaper…engines in most cars are actually built by john deere…as an american consumer, we need to stop buying brand names and encourage purchasing products to stop the industry from making $$$$…we keep wondering why the gas companies are making money, because they change the price everyday…now oil can make a variety of products but you don\’t see the price of those products change…at the beginning of every school year, we don\’t see the price of paper change higher because of the demand…the everyday american, needs to have competitive pricing….corporations need to understand that they do make too much money and start to become lean and efficient and strive for lower costs…if generics can do it, why can\’t they?

  • November 30, 2006 at 1:42 am
    Henry the eighth I am says:
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    All stores will be wal-mart.

    Britney Spears will launch her 4th comeback tour just days after her 7th divorce.

    The Federal Government will do something right.

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